Destinations, Africa, South Africa Let's go Citysurfing Destinations, Africa, South Africa Let's go Citysurfing

The Karoo Heartland of South Africa: An Arid, Yet Rich Place

People often refer to the Karoo Heartland as the "dry heart" of South Africa, as it's a semi-desert land that features a rugged landscape, shaped from vast, flat plains and rocky mountains. If you're looking for a travel experience that's slightly off the beaten track, a visit to this lesser-traveled part of the world would certainly fit the bill.

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Travel, Destinations, South Africa Let's go Citysurfing Travel, Destinations, South Africa Let's go Citysurfing

South African Splendor: A Look at the Many Things to See and Do in This African Nation

South Africa is one of the most diverse countries in the world and is host to a multitude of cultures and languages. Visitors to South Africa are afforded opportunities to immerse themselves in the local culture, to get lost in its natural beauty and to fully unwind while sipping a glass of silky smooth red wine from the Cape wine lands.

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