Five Ways to Save Money Backpacking Europe


Who hasn’t dreamt of spending weeks backpacking through what many consider to be the most beautiful and magnificent continent of the world? If you are lucky enough to have already saved up all of your pennies and dimes, bought your ticket and have sketched out a rough plan of where you’re heading, then all you need to know now is how to not run out of money while you’re backpacking Europe. Here are five simple yet effective ways to make sure you stretch your money throughout all of your adventures…

1. Stay in Hostels

Depending on where you are in Europe, hostels can range anywhere from $10 to $50 per night. If you are on a really tight budget, then always stay in a dorm compared to a private room or even a triple room. For solo backpackers, hostels are an excellent way to save on the cash when you don’t have other people to split the cost with.

2. Avoid Sit-Down Restaurants

Though there are endless trendy and inviting restaurants in nearly every European town, try to avoid them, as they tend to be extremely pricey and almost always add in a service charge to the bill. Instead, head to the market to get some cheaper food or even cook your own meals if you’re able to!

3. Research Cheapest Travel Options

Though many people decide to only use the train system when backpacking Europe, it may not be the cheapest option. With budget airlines such as RyanAir or EasyJet, you can sometimes get plane tickets as cheap as $20! Do your research and figure out what is cheapest to avoid spending unnecessary cash.

4. Pack as Light as Possible

Though it may be hard to decide whether or not you need 5 pairs of jeans, shorts, jackets and shirts, chances are you really don’t! By packing as light as possible, you may get away with saving literally hundreds of dollars on tacked on airline fees that they charge for certain weight or dimensions of your travel bags. Plus, it’s a hassle carrying around so many things and clothes all over Europe!

5. Bring the Right Credit Card

To avoid being charged an extra $5 minimum every time you use your debit card to buy some food or a cool souvenir you need, make sure you get a credit card that charges zero international fees. This will save you an indescribable amount of unneeded expenses not just in these situations but also when you need to head to the ATM to get some cash out.


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